In Appreciation of Life

Today I look back on my journey realizing how grateful I am for my life. I am only able to say this because I built a relationship with God early when I had mountains of adversity to overcome. It wasn’t mine, rather the journey of my parents that I was born into. But that was the path that I was destined to take so I would seek God, which taught me to understand God’s love, protection, power, grace, and mercy. As time went on, I worked to build that relationship as there was so much more to understand, value, and appreciate.

Years later, when I thought that my relationship with God would protect me from harm, I had yet another bout with adversity that threatened my existence and hurled fear into my children. Still, I reminded my children that God knew I was obedient and without fear, but it was time for me to learn another lesson. I trusted the outcome of a lengthy brain surgery on multiple aneurysms with complete certainty because God told me to get it done. When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t do anything but smile at the sight of my family in front of me. I would not ever go against what God told me for the options that man tried to reason with me. I had yet another level of appreciation for life and a testimony. The recovery took time and was a battle in itself, but I needed to fight. I wanted to fight because I had so much more to do.

People fight every day; children fight every minute for life, but sometimes, we don’t win. When we do, the appreciation is so much greater than what it ever could have been because we have the propensity to take family, friends, health, material things, and God for granted.

Today, I celebrate having five more years of service to God in appreciation of my life. I learned the value of each breath I take, everything I see, and the feel of sand beneath my feet. I am grateful for those who love me as it, too, is a gift.

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Without Judgment



Most of the time we think we know people but is our judgment an accurate and fair assessment? Just because it’s a family member, friend, co-worker, or someone you routinely come in contact with it doesn’t mean you know what their reality is. People have problems or situations that they don’t share. If they do, it may not be the complete version. Some people keep their personal life private; they don’t believe anyone will care or can help them. Sometimes, they don’t want to be judged. Instinctively, most people are quick to judge, but that judgment can keep you from showing compassion, especially when it may be needed most.

We have the tendency to forget how blessed we are and that others may be going through a period of need. When we walk by a person digging through the garbage, trying to find something to eat, would you buy them something or ignore their plight? Can you imagine the difference that each of us could make if we did an act of kindness in a kind, non-judgmental way? We don’t know what we think we know about others. And we can be quick to determine the reason someone is homeless, struggling financially, quiet, withdrawn, or struggles with their academics. We don’t know if they have health issues, are dealing with a loss of a loved one, or depressed. We don’t know.

Since most of us have the inability to get into someone’s entire history and understand why, what, or when something may have happened that caused their situation, we should be without judgment. If we are going to offer our help, we should do it without condemnation. We never know the reason, season, or lessons that will come in our life and kindness offers much more than that individual may have at that moment in time. It could change or save a life. Find a way to make a difference without judgment. We owe it to ourselves to be a contributor to a kinder, more compassionate society.

Life Comes With The Responsibility…

It’s amazing how quickly time begins to pass and then you suddenly realize that you’ve become that very age you first thought your parents were old. It’s an eye-opening revelation that will cause you to reflect on your life with more depth. The thought of what you have or haven’t accomplished in both your personal life and career can cause you to feel that you’ve failed. On the other hand, you may be extremely proud of what you’ve accomplished. However, have you left a mark in this world that you can be proud of? Do you love the person you’ve become? Have you done something that spiritually connects you to what we are here for? Have you been able to positively impact the lives of others in some big or small way? Will people remember your contributions to society or continue your initiatives?

Considering where you are and what you have or haven’t done, it is never too late to do more and care about others by giving more of yourself. This opportunity we have, called life, is meant for us to live to the fullest and we are supposed to be happy. Nevertheless, life comes with the responsibility to show compassion for our brothers and sisters around the globe with understanding that compassion is without boundaries.

Keep in mind that as long as you are breathing, you are not finished and there is more for you to do. Take a moment each day just to ask yourself, ‘What can I do for others? How can I show that I care? How can I please God?’ and then begin your day from there. You’ll make a difference although you may never see it. Your destiny is greater than your goals and your goals are greater than you may realize as of yet. In time, it will all come together. Until then, make better use of your ability to impact the lives of others in some way.


Love Has The Ability…

When you think about how much you invest in loving someone else, it is quite surprising to find how much of yourself you can lose in the process. You may not realize it at first, but in time, you will. You are no longer living for yourself the same way as before. Your schedule changes, the way you think, care, and worry. Although loving someone is effortless, there is effort that goes into making sure that the person you fell in love with knows it with certainty. The amount of time you spend on yourself and the things you enjoyed may decrease and that’s okay when you are growing together and sharing his or her interests.

Is it worth it? What happens when you invest in doing everything you can but you are not the recipient of the same type of love you give freely? After everything you’ve given up, changed, shared and tried to do in order to make the one you love happy, you feel empty or that it was for nothing. Are you angry? Do you feel betrayed?

I believe that love is subjective and no one can dictate how you will come to love someone, who you will love, or why that person will even garner your attention but that gift belongs to you. Love has the ability to make the other person and those around you think that it is your weakness when in fact the ability to love is strength. Your compassion, or willingness to help someone through difficulties, doesn’t mean you are weak; it simply means that you love and feel profoundly enough to care, or want the best for someone. However, they may not understand it at that time. The ability to love is a gift that should not be manipulated or taken for granted. Sometimes, people need what they need for that moment and release it when that time becomes fleeting but don’t allow love to ever leave you. Many times, people forget that having the capacity to love is a gift from God.



A Matter of Perspective by Marala Scott


It’s so unbelievable that at times, I’m at a loss for words.

If you could only imagine what my relationship with God was like.

I hate my life.

Today, I gave up on having faith in God.

It’s impossible for me to ever say,

“God is all that I need!” and “Everything will be as it should be if you trust in God.”

I learned the hard way.

I’ve tried and trusted.

It is my entire relationship with God that caused me to feel this way,
and anything – anything at all is possible.

What an unbelievable life I am living!

Showing compassion, having faith, love, and respect while investing in others.

I can make a difference.


Every bit of adversity, pain, and sickness contributed to my perspective.

Just looking at the way this world is and the people in it.

Confessing my sins, asking for forgiveness, giving, helping and praying for others does not make me feel whole.

Trust me when I say,

I had to give up a lot to follow God.

I had to put God first!

Life consistently demands the best of me.

There was so much need that I knew I’d have to give it everything I had.

When I looked at the world,

I didn’t want to stand up and show compassion for others.

Not ever.

Had God abandon me?

I’ve learned the most valuable lessons I won’t ever forget.

In the long run it’s better that way.

I found that walking in faith is challenging.

If you put forth an honest effort, you’ll learn that quickly.

Like me, it won’t take long before you’ll get tired of trying and failing.

And life is waiting with its many lessons.

I am human so I will make poor choices.

If I ask.

Will God really forgive me?

(Press play and read from the bottom to the top.)
Change your mindset, change your life!


Love Includes Honest Communication

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Love can be complicated and truly loving someone means you want what is best for those you love. Sure, the good times are great, but there will come those occasions that require your ability to deliver honest communication even when it is not often appreciated. Although it may hurt, you may be the only person that keeps them balanced or acknowledging reality when they need it most. Allowing someone to continue on a path that is detrimental to his or her well-being is not love.

Sometimes that destructive behavior is concealed, however, being tuned into someone will allow you to detect unhealthy or inconsistent changes in behavior or habits. If someone is hurting, they may be searching for something or someone to help distract them from their pain or to help find a resolve. Let them find you there until they trust you enough to submit to being helped properly. Continue to love them so they get it and realize your beautiful role in their life.

      3 Indicators it’s Time to Talk

  • Passion turns to frustration
  • Plagued with a lingering sadness
  • A preference to be alone if it is not typical behavior



If you note that they need professional help or if you are unsure, recommend that they seek it or help them find it. Love cares through the best and worst of times.

Love can see what most cannot. –Marala Scott

There Is More To Your Life

Do you ever wonder why you aren’t out there accomplishing more? If you are accepting of your life but not happy with where you are, it’s time to change your thought process. There is so much more to life than you may realize. When it came to the things I loved, I did them with passion but one day, I realized I was running the same routine while looking at the rest of the world from inside of what seemed to be a safe globe. I did the things that I was familiar with, but I didn’t pursue the opportunities that made me happy. I felt stuck.

There came a point when I decided to step outside of my comfort zone so that I could learn more about myself. When I realized there were many things I loved to do and learn about, I allowed those things to be a part of my life. Ultimately, I was happier as I discovered there was more to me than I expressed. I had ambitions, passion, and an innate desire to help others.

Through self-discovery, I learned to love myself unconditionally, which allowed me to be better at loving others. I came to understand the true purpose of my life. Sometimes, people need a little help beginning, what may seem like, a difficult process but they too can do it. It’s vital to your success not to be afraid of life. Break the cycle of living a life that isn’t fulfilling, but normal to you since it’s all you know. Dare to rewrite your story and begin to live with a different outlook on life because there is more to be discovered.

Where to begin:

1. Learn to stop being uninspired or stuck
2. End self-defeating patterns
3. Conquer limitations

If you are ready to transform your life and live in the Los Angeles area, this is a great place to start:


The Truth About Parenting: 10 Simple Tips

family-vacation-less-stressful_47_900x600I have a passion for life! I love who I am and above all, I love God. It is God that taught me to love myself. Then, the need for others to love me didn’t exist, but I learned why it is essential for me to love others. I was apprehensive about becoming a parent. It wasn’t something that was natural for me since my childhood had a narrative that was nothing less than horrific and scarring. Once I was, the test began and the one thing I wanted to get right in life more than anything else, was parenting. As a mother, the choice became mine to submit to what I was familiar with or do something to change the lucid visions that could hurl a fragile and scared little girl into her own dark world. I was determined not to replicate the abuse and pain. I made the decision to leave it behind, taking only the good experiences and memories, although it wasn’t easy.

I remembered my painful tears as a child and promised myself that I would provide my children with the things I prayed for. I wanted them to laugh from their soul, smile because it’s their natural expression, and inspire others because they know how. It didn’t mean they would be without challenges, but I gave them unwavering love, complete trust, and confidence as tools. Then, I taught them to have compassion, persistence, goals and why a relationship with God is an essential part of their existence. Every single day, I told them I loved them and I made a constant effort to make sure they could see it. I shared the mistakes I made throughout my life so they would trust coming to me for advice when they made theirs. My children had to learn how to be fearless because as a child, I lived in fear. They needed to know it was okay if they fell as long as they got back holding their head high. They were pulled close to understand me and talk about their day just as I shared mine with them while we cooked and ate dinner together. We prayed together, laughed together, cried together and lifted one another. They both think they are my favorite because neither of them felt I loved the other more.

The truth about parenting is that you will make mistakes, as I’m sure I’ve made my share. However, learning to correct parenting skills by listening to your children and learning from them helped shape me into the mother I am today.

  1. Love them as God loves you.
  2. Encourage them to be better than you and give them the tools to accomplish that.
  3. Keep them close rather than pushing them away when you get busy. Allow them to share in your success and understand your failures.
  4. When they ask you a question, don’t lie. Tell them the truth so they learn to do the same.
  5. Take time to ask questions before jumping to conclusions.
  6. Don’t assume they know you love them because you are their parent. Tell them, and more importantly, show them.
  7. Be the example that you want them to become. They are learning from you and they see and hear more than you think.
  8. Don’t tell them about God. Show them His work and help them build a relationship with God.
  9. Try not to react or discuss situations when you’re upset. Give it time and revisit it when you have a better mindset. Allow them to share their perspective as it may change yours.
  10. Remember, you were a child once.

With Love,

Watch Marala Scott at The Shorty Awards

Read Marala’s Books


Have You Ever Taken The Fall?

I love what I do as it allows me to inspire people to see the best in themselves and invest the time and work to bring their vision to fruition. My passion evolved from my personal journey many years ago and when I cross paths with those that do the same, it feeds my soul. It takes someone who has been on an extraordinary journey to bring enlightenment and encouragement to others. By sharing their experiences, they can help those that want to begin healing, but don’t know how.

When it comes to things that lead to child abuse, bullying, substance abuse and relevant subjects that need to be addressed, Todd James Myers has done so in a powerful story based on his life, The Fall. I love taking time to observe people in their natural state because it allows me to see the truth as to who they really are. I learned more than one could imagine about Todd and how he came to fall out of one life and into another. As he was writing his story, he took me to places he lived, the bridge he took the fall from, the location where he had his spiritual awakening and the ranch that he spent months in rehab piecing his life back together. He showed me where and how people begin a life of devastation from a history of pain. Have you ever taken the fall due to painful circumstances and found it difficult to overcome? We all do. The difference is some fight to overcome it while sadly, others concede and give in.

After hearing the powerful narrative of Todd’s life, I looked into his eyes and saw a man that truly understands his mission. He’s living it and making a difference in the lives of others every single day. In working with Todd to communicate the fascinating, yet painful details of his past, I found him to be the epitome of a compassionate soul that was created by the harsh experiences, which were his reality for many years.

In reading The Fall, you will learn to understand what people internalize and how carrying painful experiences can change the path of or destroy their life. We hold on to negative emotions without realizing the damage it will do if we don’t release them and seek healing and forgiveness from God. The inspiration and message in The Fall will change you forever!

Amazon Best Seller:
The Fall by Todd James Myers
Click Here to Buy the Book on Amazon

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Do You Know What Your Gift Is?

your gift quote

I am constantly in awe of the extraordinary gift God has given me. We all receive God’s gifts in different ways. Some are during particular times throughout our life, others are unexpected, and some have the tendency to go unnoticed. For me, the most significant gift was my children. It was as if God knew what I would need to give me purpose, develop my passion and awaken my spirit. The joy that my children brought flushed out the pain of my own childhood and gave me a chance to do better or make their childhood as I thought it should be. I believe in order to accomplish something as brilliant as the light of the sun, that ability must come from God, as it is God who created the sun just as God created us. Taking care, skill and nurturing God’s gift is the way to show our appreciation for it. Here are five ways to accomplish this with your children.

  1. Instead of denying your children what you may have been denied as a child or at some point in your life, work diligently to give them the exact things you needed most.
  2. Take time to teach balance as well as boundaries. In addition, make sure they appreciate the blessings bestowed upon them by God, as there are many.
  3. Encourage them to believe in their dreams and go after any goal they desire with faith and effort, as it is God who will make it possible.
  4. Understand that it is your actions that can cultivate an environment where love towards one another is radiant, rather than pitting one child against the other to fight for your favor or love in the darkness.
  5. Show them how to return inspiration to this universe instead of depleting it out of greed and selfishness.

I realized that God hands us mighty gifts. The gift of children is but one as I have seen and heard the gift of music lift the soul, culinary skills inspire the palette, the depths of art reach hidden passions, and dance releases positive energy. Intellect raises the bar, kindness offers a cure for sadness, and athleticism breeds a competitive spirit and so on and so forth as the gifts given to each of us are what God believed we needed.

If you’ve not found your gift, drop to your knees and ask God to reveal it with clarity and then go inward to find it. Once you do, treasure it as it is just for you!

Inspiration by my family and I:
Available on Amazon


Your Powerful Gift

intuitionEach day you are faced with choices. It doesn’t matter how substantial or insignificant they are, they are still yours to make. Do you ever consider how often you’ve made a decision to do something and then changed your mind only to find that your first choice would have been correct? It happens more often than you can imagine. See, all of us have an incredible gift but few select to use it. Why? Simply because of the inability to connect to it or tune in to something you may not be aware you have. If you learn how, this gift can protect you from many unsavory choices and even save your life. It’s one powerful word with remarkable accuracy, intuition.

Intuition is something that will cause an internal debate if you don’t know how to trust it because it rises above reason. Most times, there are things that you want to do but when you get that nagging feeling that opposes it, you may change your mind if it isn’t in your favor. Learning to trust your intuition is much like having faith, as it is trusting something unseen, unheard and untested. Why, because it is a positive part of your evolution. Intuition will help you in your personal life as well as with your career. Learning to trust your intuition even when you don’t know why is the key to embracing it. In time, you will see that you knew best. Trust and appreciate this gift from God and begin using it now!

Here are three ways to tune into your intuition.

Look behind you. You’ve left a track record of bad decisions that you knew you should not have made. Your first voice is your intuition and the second is you trying to debate or reason with yourself.

Tune out the noise and into peace. Take time to release negative thoughts and emotions by meditating, practicing yoga, walking along a beach, or creating something artistic. Whatever you chose to do needs to keep you from anything that disrupts your spirit.

Embrace your faith. If you don’t believe, it becomes difficult to trust something that you don’t understand. Trusting the gift of intuition is trusting God knows best. Don’t be afraid if decisions aren’t aligned with what you want as they are in accordance with what is best for you or those affected by your intuition.

Once you begin to pay more attention to your intuition you will learn to trust it.

Click Here to Learn More About Intuition.

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Once you’re here, it’s real. Life isn’t simulated and you don’t get a practice run so you may as well resign to the fact of making this gift work, as our time isn’t guaranteed. Now I am at an age that I’ve learned to give an honest reflection of my life. I think about what I’ve been through and how many situations and their outcome have shaped me into the person I am today. I have to admit that sadness seeps in when I review the time that I squandered being angry and unwilling to forgive others for things that may have been out of their control at the time; they may have been a product of their environment. I remember time spent trying to control things I had no control over and the frustration it brought. I had moments that I wanted to give up before understanding the challenges I had were meant to make me stronger, and they did.

Each time I sought solace, I went to God and each time, God answered. There were times I listened and then there were times I didn’t because I wanted the fast, convenient path to my goals; but it never worked. As I learned to become diligent in submitting to God and the destiny that He had for me, things became clearer and I was able to see and comprehend His plan.

God wanted me to be kinder, more forgiving, and see far beyond my own plight. God wanted me to care about something other than what was within my grasp and share something that didn’t cost a thing. The same inspiration God granted me was meant for me to share with you. It lifted me up so I could see there was more beauty to life than what I was focusing on.

In your darkest hours, painful moments or times of struggle go beyond your boundaries and share compassion for others. Give freely and care abundantly as the healing will be for you. I am still growing and learning but I am trusting God to lead me through my journey. What people see in me that inspires them and lifts them at times of need is simply God working through me because I am receptive to it. Take the attention off of your problems and focus on developing yourself. It works because it will make you stronger and more resilient so you will accomplish your goals.

Intuition Is …

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There are times that you may feel alone in your decision-making but you aren’t. When you need to make a decision and you aren’t sure what to do, find a place that allows you to transition into a peaceful state of mind. Whether that’s walking along the beach, practicing meditation, yoga or cooking, do what you love to calm your spirit before making a decision that has the ability to influence your future.

All of us have something that protects us from our own decisions or rationalization. However, many of the choices we make are emotional choices because we want what we want. When we are overcome with that feeling that is telling you to do something or not to do something, that’s your intuition. You may not understand it because intuition rises above reason and in the words of Steve Jobs, “Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect.” Although you may not understand why you should trust it, it is there to protect, guide and teach you. When you look behind you, evidence of your choices opposing your intuition is there for you to learn from.

Find peace, submit to God’s gift of intuition and trust it. You will be able and more willing to do so as you continue to remove negativity and unnecessary noise from your life so you can tune into your intuition.

Order your copy: Amazon


Allow This To Inspire You … The Little Signs Are Really The Big Ones

I was walking along the beach where I found my first sand dollar years ago. I am a collector of them and was searching for another one. After a few days of searching, I realized the ocean was not willing to share it. My mind was clear and I was as carefree as one can get. It’s my way of taking in peaceful moments so that when I take in the negativity or stress from life or others, my peace will not diminish.

Typically, sand dollars are found near the shore burrowed in the sand. For some reason, I didn’t want to leave this beach without one. An hour later, the sun was beginning to set and I paused for a brief moment and said, “Father God, I’d really like a sand dollar. Just one. A big one, but just one.” Yes, it seems like a very insignificant request, but meaningful to me. If you don’t know the spiritual significance behind a sand dollar you will want to know it. It was my daughter that shared it with me.

As I continued to comb the beach searching for sand dollars, I didn’t realize that a wide stream of water separated me from the ocean. To get closer to the ocean I walked across two feet of water. When I reached the other side, I looked down and saw this very beautiful and large sand dollar on the edge of the water, partially buried. The smile on my face was so broad you would have thought I won the biggest lottery. I reached my hand into the water and carefully scooped it up. “Thank you God,” I said jumping around the beach with my smile. “Thank you!”

Okay, it sounds strange, but it is truly my faith. You see God sends me little affirmations all the time to let me know He hears me. So when the big things happen or the beautiful things evolve, I know it’s because of Him too. God knows my true spirit, heart and mind. He knows that I ask because I know He can and will. With all of the troubles and burdens of this world, He has always made time for my prayers and conversations. He has healed me from feeling the pain of my childhood and given me tremendous strength to endure. Regardless of what you may think, it is your faith that will bring you to this if you truly believe. I don’t believe in coincidence but I do believe in God. Sometimes the little signs are really big signs to let you know that God is listening, so believe.