Without Judgment



Most of the time we think we know people but is our judgment an accurate and fair assessment? Just because it’s a family member, friend, co-worker, or someone you routinely come in contact with it doesn’t mean you know what their reality is. People have problems or situations that they don’t share. If they do, it may not be the complete version. Some people keep their personal life private; they don’t believe anyone will care or can help them. Sometimes, they don’t want to be judged. Instinctively, most people are quick to judge, but that judgment can keep you from showing compassion, especially when it may be needed most.

We have the tendency to forget how blessed we are and that others may be going through a period of need. When we walk by a person digging through the garbage, trying to find something to eat, would you buy them something or ignore their plight? Can you imagine the difference that each of us could make if we did an act of kindness in a kind, non-judgmental way? We don’t know what we think we know about others. And we can be quick to determine the reason someone is homeless, struggling financially, quiet, withdrawn, or struggles with their academics. We don’t know if they have health issues, are dealing with a loss of a loved one, or depressed. We don’t know.

Since most of us have the inability to get into someone’s entire history and understand why, what, or when something may have happened that caused their situation, we should be without judgment. If we are going to offer our help, we should do it without condemnation. We never know the reason, season, or lessons that will come in our life and kindness offers much more than that individual may have at that moment in time. It could change or save a life. Find a way to make a difference without judgment. We owe it to ourselves to be a contributor to a kinder, more compassionate society.

Love Has The Ability…

When you think about how much you invest in loving someone else, it is quite surprising to find how much of yourself you can lose in the process. You may not realize it at first, but in time, you will. You are no longer living for yourself the same way as before. Your schedule changes, the way you think, care, and worry. Although loving someone is effortless, there is effort that goes into making sure that the person you fell in love with knows it with certainty. The amount of time you spend on yourself and the things you enjoyed may decrease and that’s okay when you are growing together and sharing his or her interests.

Is it worth it? What happens when you invest in doing everything you can but you are not the recipient of the same type of love you give freely? After everything you’ve given up, changed, shared and tried to do in order to make the one you love happy, you feel empty or that it was for nothing. Are you angry? Do you feel betrayed?

I believe that love is subjective and no one can dictate how you will come to love someone, who you will love, or why that person will even garner your attention but that gift belongs to you. Love has the ability to make the other person and those around you think that it is your weakness when in fact the ability to love is strength. Your compassion, or willingness to help someone through difficulties, doesn’t mean you are weak; it simply means that you love and feel profoundly enough to care, or want the best for someone. However, they may not understand it at that time. The ability to love is a gift that should not be manipulated or taken for granted. Sometimes, people need what they need for that moment and release it when that time becomes fleeting but don’t allow love to ever leave you. Many times, people forget that having the capacity to love is a gift from God.



Hanging on to What You Can’t Control Will Only Hurt You


When it comes to those days where nothing seems to be going the way you need it, don’t worry, things will improve once you change your way of thinking. It helps when you step back and allow whatever is unavoidable to happen, especially since it was going to take place regardless. If you did whatever you could to avoid it, but it didn’t make a difference, let it go. Hanging on to what you can’t control will only hurt you. It doesn’t mean accept failure or submit to the problem at hand, it simply means release the burden at that moment so you can gather your thoughts, compose yourself, and take time to rethink the situation or create another strategy.

How do you release it?

  1. Take time to learn how to solve the problem instead of becoming a part of it.
  2. Discuss the situation with someone you trust who gives unbiased and solid advice that will help diffuse your negative mindset.
  3. Don’t discuss a negative situation with negative people.
  4. Step back and take in a breath of fresh air. Go to a movie, listen to music, meditate or do something calming that will help recalibrate your way of thinking.
  5. Look at all sides rather than just yours and give an honest evaluation.
  6. Understand that it’s not the end, especially if you are looking for a positive resolution.

Overreacting can make things worse and talking about it while you are upset is a sure way to overshare thoughts that you may regret later. There’s a lot more you have to do so learn to accept that you cannot control, fix or stop every situation. Sometimes, in that moment it’s hard to believe that it will be okay, but it will.



There Is More To Your Life

Do you ever wonder why you aren’t out there accomplishing more? If you are accepting of your life but not happy with where you are, it’s time to change your thought process. There is so much more to life than you may realize. When it came to the things I loved, I did them with passion but one day, I realized I was running the same routine while looking at the rest of the world from inside of what seemed to be a safe globe. I did the things that I was familiar with, but I didn’t pursue the opportunities that made me happy. I felt stuck.

There came a point when I decided to step outside of my comfort zone so that I could learn more about myself. When I realized there were many things I loved to do and learn about, I allowed those things to be a part of my life. Ultimately, I was happier as I discovered there was more to me than I expressed. I had ambitions, passion, and an innate desire to help others.

Through self-discovery, I learned to love myself unconditionally, which allowed me to be better at loving others. I came to understand the true purpose of my life. Sometimes, people need a little help beginning, what may seem like, a difficult process but they too can do it. It’s vital to your success not to be afraid of life. Break the cycle of living a life that isn’t fulfilling, but normal to you since it’s all you know. Dare to rewrite your story and begin to live with a different outlook on life because there is more to be discovered.

Where to begin:

1. Learn to stop being uninspired or stuck
2. End self-defeating patterns
3. Conquer limitations

If you are ready to transform your life and live in the Los Angeles area, this is a great place to start:


Do a Little Work on Yourself

When you criticize people, you’re expressing your own inadequacies or insecurities about something. Putting others down is a way people attempt to build themselves up but what they’re providing is a substantial contribution to creating a negative environment. Think before you speak or react negatively. Take under consideration what it is you’re really trying to communicate and why. If you can’t do it respectfully, then wait until you can. Those situations are a perfect opportunity for you to go inside of your own life and do a little work.

The tendency to complain about deficiencies that others have is greater than our willingness to look at our own life and make changes. When you change yourself you can alter your mindset and teach yourself to solicit positive results instead of fixating on the negative aspects of life. That’s when you will experience the manifestation of positive change and perhaps inspire others to change too. There is so much that begins with what you say and how you say it. Keep in mind your body language and actions speak volumes as well. Determine what your true intent is before you communicate your thoughts. If you begin with anger or negativity, that’s what your results will bring. Elect to bring a bit of inspiration instead.

Each Year Brings Wisdom and Strength From Your Past Experiences

Another year is upon us and I believe it to be a blessing to me for the simple fact that I am alive. The opportunity to experience this gift of life continues. When I look back on my journey it amazes me to see the things that I’ve done, shared, and triumphed over. I refuse to give credence to difficulties, as they are now a part of history not my present or future. Instead of burdening my mind with negative situations of the past I focus on my faith, strength and ability to combat and overcome everything that has challenged me. Yes, I say overcome because I have.

My life story is one that many deem unimaginable yet I have moved through and far past it. The horrors I was plagued with did not define me as a person yet, they strengthened me as a woman. Years later, as things began to show promise I found out that while I was raising my two beautiful children, I had multiple brain aneurysms that threatened my very existence. I had to make a choice to trust God and have the surgery or live in fear dragging my children through the emotional journey. I trusted God and had the surgery without an ounce of fear and only telling a handful of people. The reason being is I love who I am and how I’ve lived. Sure, I’ve made mistakes but I’ve asked God for forgiveness and given it as well. I live in Gods light, not my own, and if by chance it was my time, I had nothing to fear. I would have left a trail of love, inspiration, and memories that would not die.

This year I am going to continue to live in faith. I am going to remain fearless as God is always with me. I am going to continue to love and not worry about being loved as it comes naturally when you love from the depths of your heart. I am going to leave an imprint that will change lives. I am going to tell you I love you and mean it, as I want you to know that you are loved and not alone. I am going to advise you to embrace life and its lessons and go get it instead of waiting for life to conquer you. Live this year and begin in faith and clean your slate by asking God for forgiveness and forgiving those that hurt you. Dare to be your best and give your best to all!

Happy New Year!

Marala Scott

Aching Heart

My heart is aching and the core of my soul hurts deeply for the victims, families, and community of the tragedy in Connecticut. I am certain yours does too. The children that woke up and went to school on this tragic day had laughter, dreams, love, friends, family, and beams of excitement for the upcoming Christmas holiday without a thought of any day being their last, let alone today. The adults that were murdered, had plans for their students and said goodbye to their families, not ever imagining it too, would be their last. There were many words unspoken because no one knew it was their time to do so.

A disturbed son made a conscious choice to extinguish a part of his mother’s life, as what may have been vengeance, before taking her future and causing pain to his own family. No one will ever come to fully understand why.

This country now has yet another historic and senseless tragedy and these families are bound to grip this unforeseen pain. Upon reading this, please take a moment and pray not only for what we know about this situation, but for what we don’t. Pray that it doesn’t continue to happen and devastate lives. Pray that these families can heal, in time. Pray that peace comes upon this community and the country comes together to help find a resolution. And pray for God to embrace these beloved souls in His arms for all eternity as their life here has been cut short.

May God Bless Us All
Marala Scott


Understanding the Inevitable Act of Letting Go


I was doing some Christmas shopping with my beautiful daughter this evening when a young woman behind me in line took a moment to tell me how much she loved the unique design of my cream designer handbag. Her brown eyes lit up as she admired the details. I smiled and said, “Thank you,” as I lifted the strap over my shoulder and began to empty the contents of my new bag. “Since you like it …  you can have it,” I told her. She took a deep breath and stared at me in disbelief before exhaling heavily. Nevertheless, I continued to pass along the contents of my purse to my daughter, and then handed the woman the bag.

“No, you can’t do that, can you? You’re really doing this aren’t you? Where are you going to put your things?” she continued.

“In my pockets,” I replied.

“Why would you do this?” she asked.

“Because you like it. Merry Christmas,” I said with a light wave as I walked away without looking back.

It’s quite easy to find things you love and become attached to them, but sometimes the attachment isn’t always good. When we leave this earth there is nothing in it that we will take with us. Part of the beauty in life is sharing what you do have while you’re here by learning to let go of the things we love most. It doesn’t mean you go around giving away everything, but try it. Take something you love and see if you are able to walk away from it without a second thought or a single regret. When you can you’ve learned something valuable.

Everything in this life is really on loan from God. When we leave, it will stay here. People we love are the biggest test of this while being able to part from material things are a test of our spirit and prepare us for being able to understand the inevitable of letting go. Material things don’t define us and people don’t belong to us. Learn to let go while you can as it makes it less difficult when you don’t think you can. We are forced to let go of things in many unforeseen ways, such as natural disasters. But I’ve seen many do it with grace and begin to rebuild from scratch when it is one of the most difficult things they’ve had to do. Random acts of kindness remind us to let go freely. Don’t wait until you are forced to do so in order to learn this.

Your Life In Review Before It’s Too Late

When it’s all said and done and your life is over here on this earth, how will people remember you? Will they speak of you as a giver or taker? Were you a lover or did you seek out fights because you were angry? Were you someone who was fair or biased about everything that benefited you? Did you care about others or could you care less? What I want you to ask yourself is, are you on track to leave this world with a memory that you would be proud of? If you have children, will they be proud of you and have loving thoughts that no one can remove? Is your powerful imprint resting on the hearts of many or are many waiting to erase what you have left because it’s too painful? Before the time comes for you to depart from this gift of life, repair, change, and forgive, if even yourself. Take this moment right now to determine that you will live and give to the best of your capability. Make the choice to leave an impression that reflects the person you want to be and are. It’s not too late to begin again.

Navigating Around Your Opponents

There’s always that point when your life begins to show promise and progress. Happiness begins to fall upon you, love opens a door, and success in your career or relationships with friends strengthen. Without warning, something comes along to jeopardize what you’ve diligently worked to build.  At times you already have enough to deal with, situations that cause stress, have the tendency to surround you even more. As relentless negativity keeps piling on your weary, fraught shoulders, it has the ability to make you feel broken, if not break you. It happens, and it will continue to happen if you decide to keep playing that game. When you’re making a consistent effort to change your life with positive strokes of progression, know the opposition will be waiting for you the same way it’s there … in any game. Opposition is meant to keep you from winning, so it does its best. Keep in mind, when the opposition fights you harder and gets stronger it’s because you’ve become a real opponent. If you don’t want to miss what God is trying to show and do for you, then stop listening to and giving your opponent your attention. Stay grounded with faith. Don’t waste time playing a game that you may lose, but you will win if you stay on the path you were destined to travel.

Your Journey in Life

I know where I’ve been and after some time to reflect, I understand the significant labors of my journey. I remember the days that were most challenging for me because they brought the greatest degree of pain. They were the lessons that were the hardest yet, they were my lessons in life. I’m certain I have more to learn and accept the gift of this challenge. As I have, I pray that throughout your journey, you will learn if you choose:

  • To overcome fear;
  • Fight with passion;
  • Not to return fighting with hatred;
  • To invest in yourself to break cycles of destruction that will impede, if not end your life and devastate others that love you;
  • Feel emotions that enrage you to know end but you will let them go so they don’t destroy you;
  • You will not remain a victim regardless of how much pain you’ve endured because;
  • You will put your faith in God and leave the consequences of dealing with others to him;
  • You will lose people you love with every breath you take, but never the powerful memories of them;
  • You will meet others that will bring you solace in your greatest times of need and welcome their strength until yours returns;
  • You will forgive and free yourself from becoming emotionally hostage to circumstances;
  • You will laugh from your soul again;
  • You will dance from your heart with joy;
  • You will continue on with this journey carrying strength, faith, and passion;
  • If he or she hurt you to your core, it doesn’t matter because you will love again and be loved the way you deserve for the rest of your life;
  • Because God will love you forever.

Finish the journey with passion, fight, strength, love and respect for being here to take it.

Criticizing Others From The Sidelines

You’re sitting in the stands watching a professional football game and your wide-open receiver misses a touchdown because the ball slipped right through his hands. The first thing you do is groan in frustration and say, “He should’ve caught that!”Perhaps you’re right and it was an easy touchdown from your viewpoint, but you never know if you would’ve caught it unless you were in his shoes at that very moment. The problem with the call is after you have the outcome, of course it’s easy to say what should have, and could have been done, in addition to, what you would have done. However, make a note to accept that until it’s you taking that play, you don’t know what would’ve happened.

Now, translate that into daily situations at work, home, school, and anywhere else then remember not to be such a harsh judge. Think back to situations you were in when others expected you to have an outcome that you didn’t reach and remember how you felt. Pass along that consideration from your own experience to your children, friends, family or colleagues. Keep in mind that your negative words can impact the emotional state of someone in a negative way. Being supportive goes a longer way than you may realize at that time. It takes a few seconds and even fewer words to shatter someone’s confidence or hurt their feelings. Comments about failure can break people who you may never expect and hurt those you think are strong enough to handle it. Pass along kindness as your weapon instead of emotional words said in anger.

Self-improvement Comes Through Self-Awareness

Self-improvement comes through self-awareness. Self-destruction comes when you’re unwilling to face reality. –Marala Scott

  The hardest thing about a friendship is that we want to be able to trust our friend with everything we share. Along with trust, we automatically have the tendency to expect friends to agree with our viewpoint whether it’s right or wrong. With a passive, and tearful voice, or angry insistence we seek support for our negative actions when deep inside, the real truth lies unrevealed. We know leaving out the whole truth will undoubtedly make their opinion biased and the problem with that is what we want isn’t friendship. Bullying, forcing, or tricking someone into agreeing with everything we feel or think like a continual support system, isn’t healthy.  In actuality, what is it you want them to support, the truth or you? Having people around to fill your need of being right is like having people on payroll with no input in how the company runs. Take a note from some of the most successful companies and welcome constructive input. If you want to hear what you need to, instead of what you want, select strong, positive, independent thinkers, as friends. We all need to hear things no one else is willing or cares to tell us. Self-improvement comes through self-awareness. Self-destruction comes when you’re unwilling to face reality. The truth may hurt but accepting a positive solution strengthens.

You Think You Have The Power To Change The Past

When you drive down a road you won’t return to, the view behind you narrows until what was once there fades into history such as with life. –Marala Scott


It’s interesting how we’re able to hold onto negative experiences and give concentration to what happened instead of creating a solution to resolve those emotions. If you’re reading this, your life didn’t stop because of them. Regardless of what you think, you are meant to go on and persevere. Perhaps you can help someone else along the way. Allow experiences to make you stronger instead of weaker because God willing, you’ll have a long trip ahead of you and will need the strength you’re wasting on negative history. Shift your heart and mindset to make use of the life you have in front of you. Don’t dwell on the one behind you that can’t be altered in any capacity. When you drive down a road, the view behind you narrows until what was once there fades into history. Yes, the road may still be there, but it’s no longer in your future to travel.

Telling People What They Want Instead of What They Need To Hear

Tiptoeing around someone’s explosive temper or passive fear of reality does not make a healthy environment. –Marala Scott

I spend a lot of time talking to people and responding to questions in general about life. One characteristic that most people have in common is their ability to ignore reality or the truth when it’s convenient. Many people are afraid to upset or disappoint other people by telling them the truth. I’ve found that the majority already have the answer to their question or know a viable solution. What they’re soliciting is an opinion in hope that they hear something they can manage to do within their comfort level. That’s not reality; it’s denial, which won’t resolve issues. No one can help you if you refuse to look at a situation from an unbiased perspective for what it really is. Tiptoeing around someone’s explosive temper or passive fear of reality doesn’t make a healthy environment or emotional state. Make decisions based on reality not the way you’d like it to be.

Is the Perception of Your Life the True Reality?

Now Available. . . the special version of Marala Scott’s book,

In Our House: Perception vs. Reality

“In Our House” is the chilling true story of an abusive husband, his wife, and their six children trapped inside of a hellish nightmare.

Recruited by both the CIA and IBM the successful, handsome, and deceptive Colin has rendered countless abusive episodes on his beautiful wife, Alley, and his six children until he finally breaks Alley and she is no longer able to fight back. One day, three women involve Alley in a church that promises to protect her and the children from her husband’s attacks. By the time Alley realizes how they will do it, she finds herself demonically possessed with demons eating away at her. The horrifying undertaking is beyond life and now the children must find a way to survive both parents.

Purchase through AMAZON

Embrace Being Unique

People spend their lives trying to fit in but it’s when you don’t fit that you are truly unique. Don’t ignore your gifts. ~ Marala Scott

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When I see a piece of art what catches my attention is the uniqueness that it offers.  I love when the expression comes from the soul. The beauty of life is that we’re individuals and every piece of art that makes up our personality is what makes each of us unique. Too often we work to suppress who we are to try and fit in. We want to be accepted as being like others but what does that mean? It means sacrificing who you are only to be less than you were created to be. Understand that when you have to try to fit in it’s because you don’t and you should be okay with that. Be authentic. Love the quirky little things you do that make you laugh. Celebrate your passion and share it with the world. Dive into your creativity without regrets and do it with unyielding fire. Trying to belong to something that wasn’t created for you is denying yourself of the gifts that were designed and handed to you by God. Challenge yourself to bring something unique to this world by being the real you. Leave your imprint, not one belonging to someone else and embrace being unique.